Comment and Question: Tom, After attending your class, I’ve experienced a major breakthrough in my selling career. You will recall how you stopped me during the workshop when I used the phrase “I would argue that ------!” I was an arguer. You said I needed to make a contextual shift if I wanted to be successful in selling. You told me to study that LSCPA price objection handout to deal with the price situation I was arguing about. When I thought about it from an economic impact perspective, I began to relax. It was amazing. I was able to have a totally different conversation with the client the next day. The arguer in me was gone. When I got the purchase order, I had a totally different feeling in me. It was not a sense of victory it was a sense of purpose. It was that feeling that told me my Counselor career was underway. Thank you. Why does a context shift cause this to happen? D.S.M.
Answer: D.S.M. Thank you for the testimony. I’m glad LSCPA worked for you. It is a magic skill. Context gives meaning to Content. The root “cause”of arguments is the deeply imbedded Context of the Win-Lose philosophy. When you “argue,” you are arguing for your “content” versus their “content.” Sports fans always argue for their teams. In selling you can not win a Win-Lose battle. The Context of the Counselor is a deep investment in a Win-Win philosophy. When you made the shift from “price” to “economics,” that facilitated the Win-Win contextual shift in the mind of the buyer. That is what LSCPA is designed to do.
The word Counselor that gives meaning to Sales Person is a powerful shift in Context. People must TRUST your Context (who you are) before they are interested in your Content (what you sell). Counselor Selling is a powerful selling technology.