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Transformational ChangeA new Context of business has arrived. Mass Customization is as different from Mass Production as space travel is from travel on Earth. After the gravitational force of earth is released, the working environment of the astronaut becomes effortless. Similarly, releasing the controlling force of Mass Production Thinking is the prerequisite for effortless, seamless relationships with customers.

To help his clients experience this shift in Context, Mr. Wentz developed The Organizational Transformation Simulation. This unique simulation helps people experience the exhilaration of an effortless, seamless, empowered, innovative organization. This book documents the trauma of letting go of Mass Production Thinking. As you read, you will feel the challenge to what you have known for years.


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This book is about 16 managers who need to change,want to change,have tried to change and have been handicapped by the commands coming from their company s senior executives.The company began losing market share two years ago and everyone is aware that change is essential.Their intentions are good.They know that the key ingredients are leadership and teamwork.Yet,they have been unable to translate their intentions into reality.

As the book reveals,the CEO uses the command Make it happen.The chairman is demanding more with less.The vice president of Sales is telling his people to hit the numbers and work smarter not harder.The vice president of Operations isn t sure what to tell his people other than to be a team.The frustration within the organization has turned to conflict and blame.Customers are asking for the impossible and the customer service manager is caught in the middle of the battle between Engineering,Operations,and Sales.


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